Spanish Learning Mp3

Spanish learning MP3 are probably the best thing for anyone who wants to learn Spanish. For example: it only took me a couple of weeks of passive listening to those MP3s before I was able to start speaking Spanish.

I would load up that MP3 press play and do my own things, while the voice on the MP3 recordings kept teaching me Spanish. I would only occasionally zoom in and try to focus on what the voice was saying (for especially interesting parts) ,but during the rest of the time I was just playing on-line games, checking out news web-sites and messing around on Facebook.

You have to watch out for several things when you’re looking for good learning MP3s

The quality has to be good (bad quality recording, even a little hissing sound on the background won’t allow you to listen to them for an extended period of time, eventually it gets way to annoying)

Boot legged MP3s (I know my way around the web and you can really go to jail if you start downloading stuff of P2Ps)

High grade learning material (very often we see good Samaritans trying to record their own MP3s and pass them on as the real deal, I applaud their effort but it’s hard to learn from something that was not professionally compiled)

It’s easy to learn Spanish (just don’t try to learn Spanish online or take expensive Spanish language immersion courses) a good set of MP3s is all a person really needs.

The best way to get the Spanish learning MP3 is by doing a little search on Amazon, I bought my set for 30 something dollars and it was all of the audio material I needed and more. It’s called Learn Spanish. Spanish Audio Deluxe 10 CDs.

I personally find it to be the best one because it does not have a whooping price tag of Rosetta Stone’s Spanish courses (which are 400+ dollars) and it does not have amusing but often useless graphics of other training kits.

It just amazes me how sometimes I’m able to pop out random Spanish sentences or understand Spanish speakers, it’s kind of freaky, it’s almost like some kind of a super power. I highly recommend Spanish Learning MP3 to anyone who wants to quickly learn Spanish without straining their brain or going broke.

A great web-site which has helped me find more useful information was

